Thursday, January 15, 2009

Indian Encroachment On Nepalese Territory

The total area of Nepal is 1,47,181 sq km in official records. But thanks to Indian encroachment the total area of our country has been gradually shrinking and the official area remains intact only in official records. Records show that India has encroached about 59,970 hectares (599.7 sq km) of land at 54 places in 21 districts bordering with the Indian territory.
News of Indian encroachment creates headlines in the Nepali media every now and then and the frequency of such news seems to be growing exponentially with an encroachment issue making headlines almost every month.
No government has made any significant effort to check this expansionism strategy that has created a threat to the sovereignty of the country. The cause behind this inefficiency may be numerous. Political and economical dependence on India is the most significant factor. Nepal depends upon its huge neighbor not only for trade but also for political improvements.
There are various reasons for this current diplomatic situation of the country. The inefficient governance and geographical location too has assisted India to squeeze the size of its already small neighbor.
But we, the general Nepalese too are equally responsible for this current dependency on India. Almost all of us give bitter comments when the topic is about Indian policy towards Nepal but we prefer the made in India tag to the made in Nepal tag in all our goods. We openly criticize the Indian expansionism policy and still if all citizens of the country are forced to take off all Indian clothes half of the country will be naked. Nationalism for us has become limited only in talks and not in deed. Why not discourage the use of Indian goods in our homes and reduce dependency on India rather than just to vent anti Indian sentiments. Lets try and promote our own goods even if they may lag behind a bit in quality. May be with increased use the quality too improves.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The economic condition of the country relies greatly upon the utilization and management of its natural resources. There are various examples of a country's economy being prosperous solely due to proper utilization of its human and natural resources. The countries of the gulf region for eg. have developed only due to the proper utilization of its petroleum resources and Switzerland has made a name for herself by exposing her natural beauty and hospitality to the world.
Nepal too is considered to be pretty rich in diverse forms of natural resources water, landscapes etc. but it still lags far behind in the economic chart of today. In my opinion, a major cause for this is the underutilization and mismanagement of the country's resources. The water resources of the country is severely underutilized, often misused and the natural and cultural beauty of the country is far less exposed to the outer world then it should have been. Experts claim that nepal can sustain its economic needs solely by itself if it can utilize all its water resources and also export hydro electricity. But in a country with such great potential we face an energy crisis so extreme that we have power cuts of 16 hrs a day.
To blame this fact on irony would only be our denial to our own inefficiency in managing what we have to the best of our interests. The problem is more deeper than irony, what is it??

Sunday, January 11, 2009

नया नेपाल= अध्यारो नेपाल??

आज देखि दिनको १६ धण्टा बत्ति जाने भयो यो हाम्रो देशमा ..... अचम्मको कुरो त के छ भने दिनको ६६% समय बिना बिजुलि बस्नु पर्दा पनि यो बिषय लाई लिएर नेपालि जनता कुनै पनि प्रभाबकारि बीद्रोहको कार्यक्रम मा लागेका छैनन् न त कुनै राजनैतिक पार्तिले नै सो काम गरेका छन्। दिनहु जसो बन्द र हद्ताल हुने हाम्रो देशमा यति गहन बिषयलाई लिएर किन कुनै पनि ठोस बिरोध नभएको हो? के बिरोध भनेको राजनैतिक मुद्दाको मात्रै गर्ने हो र ?? बिरोध गर्नैपर्ने त अहिले को समय होईन कि हामिले दिनको २४सै घण्टा बत्ति जाने तालिकालाई कुरेर बसेका हौ?? साना साना मुद्दाहरुमा बिरोध गर्ने देशका बिभिन्न पार्ति तथा संस्थाहरु यस बिषयलाई लिएर किन मौनझै छन् ??
दशक लामो जनयूद्ध र त्यसपछिको जनआन्दोलन ले नेपालि जनताको ध्यान पुर्नरुपमा राजनिति तर्फ आर्कषित भएर बिकाशका मुद्दाहरुलाई ओझेलमा परेको जस्तो आभान हुन थालेछ अचेल। सरकार आफ्नो आयु लम्बयाउन तिर लागेछ भने सरकार बाहिरका दल त्यो प्रयासलाई असफल पार्न प्रयासरत छन्। यसै बिचमा आयो thermal power plant । आफै सँग भएको जलउर्जा को प्रयोग गर्ने उपयुत्त ब्यवस्था नगरि thermal power plant मा लगानि गर्नु कतिको दुरदर्शि र उचीत होला। बिशेषज्ञहरुले त सो प्रबिधि नेपालको लागि दिर्घकालिन रुपमा उपयोगि नहुने भनि भन्दै आएका छन् तै पनि आज सो प्रबिधिलाई सकेसम्म चाँडो प्रयोगमा ल्याउन प्रधानमन्त्रीले निर्देशण दिए रे।
कतै यो सबै लोडसेडिङ यहि thermal power plant लाई सन्चालनमा ल्याउन लाई गरिएको त होईन। अहिलेको घटनाक्रम र पुरानै भ्रष्टाचारको संस्कृतिलाई परिपेक्षमा राखेर हेर्दा पनि यस नया प्रबिधिलाई भित्राउनु मा ठुलै कमिसनको खेल नहोला भन्न सकिन्न।
बिरोध गर्नैपर्ने समय आएछ हरेक नेपालिले... अहिले पनि बिरोध भएन भने नेपालि जनताको चेतनामै प्रशनचीन्ह लाग्छ। तर बिरोध गर्नु भन्ने बितिक्कै सडकमा तायर बालि प्रदुशण फैलाउनु, चक्काजाम गर्नु र सरकारि गाडि टोडफोड गर्नु भन्ने बुझ्छौ हामि.. तर यस समस्याको बिरोध शान्त र नौलो रुपमा गर्ने प्रयास गरौ। बिजुलि को उपभोग नै नगरि, सरकारलाई कुनै किसिमको राजस्व नबुझाई बिरोध प्रकत गर्ने हो कि??